Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Randomness while Driving

So on the way to work the other day I was speeding along....yep speeding...I somehow always find that I have exactly 19 minutes to get from my house to work and punch in. Never know how that just does. So, anyways, I was speeding along the backway to work....can't take the front's all blocked off because of road construction...the bastards.  So here I am on a two lane no passing allowed road behind a Jimmy John's deliverer who was behind a dumbass going 20 miles an hour under the speed limit. Granted this stretch of road is only about a mile long but HELLO! I'm on a deadline here! and all I could see was the 20 cars behind me and that Jimmy Johns driver ahead of me and my one thought (among the huge amount of profanities coming out of my mouth aimed at the shithole going so slow) was....At least they're still Freaky Good.

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