Random things about ME!
1) My first car was a little red 2 door Nissan Sentra named Yamakoochie.
2) I detest Jello. I think it has something to do with it's identity crisis...Is it a solid? Nope. Is it a liquid? Not really.
3) I have farted in public and blamed someone else.
4) When I go out my drink of choice is Tequila Sunrise.
5) I'm still in love with the hair bands of the 80's.
6) I am a reality TV junkie.
7) I love books and own close to 10,000 of them.
8) I often go to movies alone and like it.
9) Although I am not dumb I tend to have "blond"moments. Once my cell phone wouldn't turn on, three days later I realized I was pushing the wrong button to turn it on.
10) Knuckle popping is like fingernails on a chalk board to me.
11) I cannot carry a tune but like to sing anyway.
12) I have worked with mentally challenged people for over a decade and love it.
13) I would rather drive to my vacation destination then fly. I firmly believe that getting there is half the fun.
14) I don't care for flying. It isn't the flying that is the problem. It's the falling to earth in a ball of flames that I have a problem with.
15) I often have multiple favorites. Several favorite movies, favorite books, favorite foods. I don't believe in limiting myself.
16) I cannot talk without using my hands.
17) I still have a few pieces of clothing that I wore in high school. And yes I still wear them even though they are totally tacky and horribly stained.
18) I tend to be a perfectionist and will probably read this note at least 3 times over before publishing it.
19) One regret I have is back in high school I kept to myself so much that many people didn't get a chance to know me.
20) I am a total witch about my name. It is Christina or Chris. I absolutely hate any other variation.
21) Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is one of my guilty pleasure movies that I watch over and over again and it never fails to make me laugh.
22) My two favorite fragrances to wear are Allure by Chanel and Sensual Amber by Bath&Body Works.
23) I love commercials and have since I was very young. I like that they are short, to the point and often very funny. The newest one that cracks me up is for the new flip close blackberry that advertises no more butt dialing.
24) Although not normally my type...I think Vin Diesel is totally hot.
25) I am allergic to watermelon and cantaloupe.
26) I often spout movie lines or song lyrics during conversations.
27) I refuse to use a pen that is missing it's cap. It throws off it's ergonomics (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it)
28) When we were younger my cousin and I skipped church a couple times to go across the street to the mall. I am relatively confident that my eternal soul is not damned because if it.
29) I believe there are only a handful of things that cannot be cured by spending time with a good friend and chocolate.
30) I love divider plates. I have issues with my food touching.
31) I rarely wear jewelry but do own some pretty things.
32) My first job was working at Arby's 6 blocks from my house.
33) I am a night person. I find it very difficult to get up and function before noon.
34) My Cabbage Patch Kid's name was Jack Randall.
35) I collect Shot Glasses and Faeries.
36) My dog gets his hair cut a minimum of 4 times a year. I haven't had mine cut by a stylist in over 3 years.
37) My favorite color is green but I hated it when I was a kid.
38) I really enjoy fishing but am a total girly girl when it comes to taking the fish off the hook.
39) When I go to the movies I have to get there early so I can pick all the green Dots out of my box so I don't accidentally eat one when the lights go down because I dislike the fake lime flavor.
40) I have never been one to find humor in slapstick kind of comedy. People falling down never made me laugh and Larry, Moe and Curly annoyed me.