Monday, May 31, 2010

What's on my mind (AKA Random shit that makes no sense to anyone but me.)

So, 3:30 in the morning on what is sure to be a fantabulous Monday and I am still awake burning the midnight oil (that saying doesn't really make a whole lot of sense anymore now that no one uses oil for lighting but whatever) and not being about to sleep. At this point at night (or morning, whichever makes you happier to think of it as) one would think that the brain would start shutting down and sleep would start trying to take over. Not so much.

So I know you aren't probably wondering what could possibly be going through my mind at 3:32am but as this is my blog and I am writing it for my entertainment I'm going to share just what is going on.

First of all I have to share that I could very well have Adult Attention Deficit. I have never been diagnosed, that would entail my having to go to a doctor and as far as I'm concerned I would rather ask my neighbor's 98 year old Grandmother's mail carrier what my diagnosis is and hand him/her $70 for their words of wisdom then spend 3 hours in my physician's waiting room and 10 minutes with the medical assistant just to wait another hour for the doctor to come in to tell me that I am having issues with my mind wandering and random interrupted thought processes because I am fat. (Think that is far fetched? Trust me. Whatever ailment you go to the doctor for, if you are fat, that would be their professional opinion on what is wrong with you. Their cure? Lose Weight. Seriously. You got a rash on your bum? Doctor: You're Fat. Your nasal mucus is blue? Doctor: You're Fat. Anyway, back to my story). My AAD, or should I say alleged AAD? Whatever. I often have various and random thoughts that spring into my head every few minutes. Sometimes only a couple. Sometimes half a dozen. None of them ever have anything to do with one another. It's kind of like being a winner of an amazing gift bag full of goodies. Which you happily open up only to find half a peanut butter cookie, 6 dimes, an acrylic fingernail with green polish, car keys that go to a 1981 Datsun (car not included), a deflated rubber balloon, and a left shoe.

Anyway, what is my goodie  bag/mind full of tonight? That is the question.

Answer-------->An old friend, my nephew, Texas, a song that has been going through my head all day, laundry, and gas.

Now to elaborate......

Old Friend....Years and years ago my little group of friends had a mutual friend who was in the Air Force. He deployed to Turkey and we never heard from him again. Short of paying someone to find him for us we have tried various times throughout the years to find him. I think I have found him and still cannot contact him (found him but no contact information was available) which is so frustrating.

Nephew....age 13. Is still awake and chooses not to let me boss him around when it comes to thing like..."Go to bed." "Brush your teeth." and my favorite "Seven cans of Dr. Pepper a day is too much. Please drink water."

Texas....I am driving down to Texas in 2 days with my sister, nephew (of the I like to drink pop, stay up all night and not brush my teeth) and my 3 month old niece. I am excited because I haven't had a chance to see my cousins in years but my totally awesome (love my 80's reference?) road trip is now a family "Are we there yet? trip. *sigh*....I'm thinking it will still be fun. If not...there is something called Tequila.

Laundry...Do I have clean clothes for work tomorrow? If not....oops.  A little late to start a load tonight. Good Gravy it is almost 4am. Nope scratch that it is after 4. I got sidetracked while blogging and ended up doing a quiz on "Do you have Adult Attention Deficit?". 52% yes. 48% not so mu...oh look a butterfly.

Gas....not the kind that goes into your car. Enough said?

Song....All day long, seriously! The Bloodhound Gang's Three Point One Four. Really not a song to sing out loud. Yet I did. Multiple times at work. Thankfully the filter between my brain and my mouth was somewhat working and I did not blurt out any of the lyrics while in the vicinity of guests or people who could fire me.
"Early bird gets the worm spread your legs or spread the word,
So what if I'm not the smartest peanut in the turd"

Friday, May 21, 2010

What up?

I don't know why I titled my post that way. It sounds so much better when you say it to a friend then it does here. I mean, how cool are you when you see someone you know give the little head nod and say "What up?" but kind of looks like you failed grammar in school and spelling. Which leads me to my topic of the day....

Can someone please tell me what the point is to text typing.

I know it tends to go a little faster if you can eliminate some letters from your text but do you really need to text 120 words per minute? Are your friends timing you? Are you going for a world record?

I see this going on outside texting too. I am a member of tons of different sites..Shelfari, Facebook, MySpace etc and everyday I am bombarded with things like....

-wut? I wuz thinkin tha same shit itz jst u beat me 2 it!
-this wize woman told me that if I wus 2 jst $mile 1nce I wud git betr tips.
-i knoe that is somethin he would sayy 2

Is it really that much easier to type a z in wise instead of an s? How about the u in was? Knoe? 1nce instead of once?

I have a "friend" who actually types everything that has an i in it with 2 i's. So her texts would read something like this....
Hii all, ii'm goiin out of twn 2niite. ii wiill see evry1 when ii get bak.

Over all she really seems like a nice girl and completely not uneducated so I am thinking she must have a good reason why she does this. Weird huh? Now I'm going to say something that shows my age as I shake my fist in the air as those crazy kids take a shortcut in their writing (as if they were taking a shortcut through my yard) and say..... What is this world coming to?

Or should I say? Wut iiz ths wurld cumiin 2?